What’s the cost to Bexley residents of reducing the green waste collection service?

Many are concerned that the reduction in the green waste collection by Bexley Council, one of their many cuts, will lead to lower recycling rates and more pollution from bonfires and dumping.


Recycling bin protest - Lincolnshire

Recycling bin protest – Lincolnshire

Andrew David has made a Freedom of Information request to find out the financial cost of changing the bins.

It will be interesting to find out what it is going to cost us.


Dear Bexley Borough Council,

I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:

What was the cost of procuring and distributing the existing 140 litre brown garden waste/food waste bins currently provided to Bexley residents;

What is the estimated cost of collecting, storing and/or disposing of the 140 litre brown bins when the garden waste collection policy changes from September 2015;

What is the estimated cost of providing food recycling boxes to Bexley residents from September 2015;

What arrangements have been made to dispose of the 140 litre brown bins and what assessment has been made of the environmental impact of any such disposal.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew David


Information on the new paid for service:  http://www.bexley.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=19109

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3 Responses to What’s the cost to Bexley residents of reducing the green waste collection service?

  1. BARRY ROFFEY says:

    I am all for wildlife and its conservation but I am sure there are more pressing matters than having a go at the council over brown bins. I have not read everything about this matter and do not wish this comment to be taken as purely political, but I am sure we are all aware that government funding of local councils is ever declining and this will ultimately have a knock on effect; this is one of those effects. I am not a wealthy person but I am equally sure that £30 a year will not break my bank, nor that of the majority of Bexley residents. I know some people will say that this is the tip of the iceberg and it may turn out to be the case but I do not have the benefit of foresight, so we’ll have to wait and see. I personally am more concerned about the effect of local planning applications on our green spaces which, to my mind will have more devastating effects on our wildlife. This is simply my own point of view but I do respect the viewpoint that others will have different priorities.

  2. Desmond Bennett says:

    As a retired Environmental Health Officer with The Royal Borough of Greenwich I would like to make the following observations:-
    1.. I whole heartily agree with Mr David’s concerns.
    2.. These proposals will almost certainly bring about an increase in garden fires that will inevitably lead to complaints as were common before collections were introduced.
    3..yes fly tipping will increase, and this is. More likely to occur on private land causing more discontent with rate payers not forgetting of course the extra cost to the council when fly tipped material is dumped on Council maintained land.
    4..is there really a need for such a large bin? The number of waste bins already in use are an eyesore. For the vast majority of people the existing bin is more than adequate.
    5..To conclude this is, in my opinion, a pooly considered cost saving measure that I will not support.

  3. It’s great that there is someone talking about those issues and presenting them to the public. Recycling is a problem of the whole world and the people should be very concern about it!

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