Save Old Manor Way Park – event this Saturday

Save Old Manor Way playground have an event this Saturday.

This is their Facebook post. Note the attendance of the local Conservative MP who originally washed his hands of the issue. The protests by a number of groups are making them take notice. Keep it up everybody!

Old Manor Way playground

Old Manor Way playground


Here is a reminder about our event this Saturday 21st March. The poster with full details is displayed in the post below but just to remind you all of a few things anyway! The event starts at 11am and there is no particular end time, we’ll see how the day goes and how the weather is!

Speaking of the weather, as it seems to be ok for the day, we can now confirm that we will have a bouncy castle! A massive thank you to Matt Hollands and Beyond Bounce who will be supplying a bouncy castle for the day.

We cannot stress how important it is that as many people as possible attend on this day to show your support and love of this playground. David Evennett MP and Cllr. David Hurt will be attending so this is also an opportunity to express your views and concerns to them.

Please attend, even if it I only for half an hour to show the support you have given and still are to save our playground!

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3 Responses to Save Old Manor Way Park – event this Saturday

  1. Jenny Oliver says:

    Consider it a good deed done – shared on my wall and groups

  2. Christine lynch says:

    That swing park hasb been there since I was a little girl I am now 68 how do you justify closing it down.Our children love that park ,I serpose they want to build flats or something..Its outrageous

  3. Debbie deacon says:

    Absolutely disgusting, my kids love going there in the summer. Why close a park that has been there for years and years just to build flats. I feel sorry for the owner of the house on the corner, strangers looking over into their back garden. They must be so angry.

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