The value of urban gardens. Royal Horticultural Society advice.

Advice from the RHS on how urban gardens can contribute to wildlife diversity.

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One Response to The value of urban gardens. Royal Horticultural Society advice.

  1. Paul says:

    Many thanks Jonathan for posting this article. I live on Bexley’s western boundary in Sidewood Rd backing onto the former GAA sports field off Avery Hill Rd which is in Greenwich. The ground owners recently submitted a planning application for residential development and one of the main issues we have is with increased risk of surface water flooding which now occurs with greater frequency. The developers own evidence includes surface water flood risk geographical profiles from the Environment Agency which shows our houses in Sidewood Road of being in medium to high risk. We are unconvinced by the developers assumptions that their landscaping proposals will address this issue. The sports field acts as a ‘reservoir’ for the seasonal levels in surface water as a result of the underlying geological conditions; London Clay close to the surface. The reason for increased surface water flooding incidents in the roadway (potentially overspilling into our houses) is because the main sewer drains down through Crombie Road whose residents have paved over half their gardens in the past 10 years.

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