Norman Road planning decision.

Recently received the letter from the Council confirming the decision to allow the development at the former site in Norman Road, Belvedere.

A number of us made objections to the planning application (see previous posts) and were disapointed that the Council did not require the developer to instal a green roof which would have been in accord with its own policies.

However, conditions have been imposed regarding development close to the watercourses and for the protection of water voles. We will need to keep an eye on these actions.


 Among the conditions…

9         No development shall take place until a scheme for the provision and management of a 5 metre wide buffer zone alongside the watercourses surrounding the site has been submitted to and agreed in writing by the local planning authority. Thereafter the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme and any subsequent amendments shall be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The buffer zone scheme shall be free from built development including lighting and formal landscaping. The schemes shall include:           

– plans showing the extent and layout of the buffer zone.     

– details of any proposed planting scheme comprising native species, if required (where the watercourse has an existing native plant vegetated buffer zone additional planting may not be required).    

– details demonstrating how the buffer zone will be protected during development and managed/maintained over the longer term including adequate financial provision and named body responsible for management plus production of detailed management plan.          

– details of any proposed footpaths, fencing, lighting etc.     

Reason: Development that encroaches on watercourses has a potentially severe impact on their ecological value. Land alongside watercourses is particularly valuable for wildlife and it is essential this is protected.


10        No development shall take place until a plan detailing the protection and mitigation of damage to populations of water vole, a protected species under The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as amended, and its associated habitat during construction works and once the development is complete. Any change to operational, including management, responsibilities shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The water vole protection plan shall be carried out in accordance with a timetable for implementation as approved.


The scheme shall include the following elements:    

– The timing of the works within 5m of the ditches    

– The measures to be used during the development to minimise the impact of the works on the water vole population       

– The ecological enhancements as mitigation for any loss of water vole habitat resulting from the development  

– A map or plan showing habitat areas to be specifically protected during the works.         

– Tool box talks about the protection of water voles to all staff on site.        

– Any necessary pollution protection methods          

– Information on the persons/bodies responsible for particular activities associated with the water vole protection plan that demonstrate they are qualified for the activity they are undertaking.   

The works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved protection plan.   

Reason: This condition is necessary to protect water vole and its habitat within and adjacent to the development site. Without it, avoidable damage could be caused to the nature conservation value of the site.

 The full documentation can be seen at

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